I am a subscriber to Men’s Health (I’m getting the magazine for free by just filling out surveys online – I highly recommend this by the way, it is legit. I thought for sure it was going to spark a lot of junk mail/email, but I just get the magazines I ordered…sorry about the aside, but it’s worth looking into.)
Anyways, to the subject at hand. I have recently seen a lot of people training in the gym with the yellow and black suspension TRX suspension cables, and have wondered about their efficacy. Then in the Men’s Health magazine I see that Michael Strahan (who by the way is in single digit bodyfat %) uses them for his Friday workouts. I am very interested in incorporating these into my workout, and am interested if any of our readers have had success with TRX training. Please comment below.
Also, I was looking into buying one and found this ad:
Granted, I only wanted one so this doesn’t do me much good, but I figure it may be relevant to some of our readers.