Invite Yourself to Workout

Another trick that my friends and I have used to stay motivated to workout this past season, was to send Google calendar invites with the proposed workouts for the week. This tactic held us more accountable to working out with eachother, and allowed us to fit in mutually agreeable workout times at the beginning of each week. We didn’t have to memorize the other people’s schedule, we just consulted our calendar.

An added benefit to the the calendar method, is that you set up proscribed times during your week to workout. I’ve found with informal workout times (ex: whenever I get time after work/school) I always schedule over this time when new events pop up throughout the week. Working out should be a high priority in your week — not something that is simply “nice” to do. Working out needs to have equal weight as your work meetings, classes, work, etc. Set these times aside in your week the same as you would for any other event.

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